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HYPERSECU® HyperPKI HYP2003 Middleware (Ver. 1.2) | Windows

Lightweight middleware to manage the HyperPKI HYP2003 USB PKI tokens.

HYPERSECU® HyperFIDO Pro HOTP Seed Generator (Ver. 1.0) | Windows

Generate a seed file and use it to program the HyperFIDO Pro Mini and HyperFIDO Pro Titanium.

HYPERSECU® HyperFIDO Pro HOTP Programmer (Ver. 1.2) | Windows

Program your HyperFIDO Pro's HOTP dynamic one-time password feature.

HYPERSECU® HyperOTP NFC Programmer (Ver. 3.0.1) | Windows

Program an NFC-compatible HyperOTP one-time password token using NFC on your Windows PC or laptop.

HYPERSECU® HyperFIDO Linux Rules File | Linux

Download the Linux rules file for HyperFIDO U2F.

HYPERSECU® HyperOTP Edge Programmer for Android NFC Phone (Ver. 1.1) | Android

Program the HyperOTP Edge one-time password card using NFC on your Android device.

HYPERSECU® HyperFIDO Basic Info Monitor Test Tool (Ver. 1.0) | Windows

This tool is designed to gather data for us to help troubleshoot your HyperFIDO Security Key.

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